If you're on a potassium-restricted diet, it's important to stick with foods that are going to help you stay on track and feel your best. Learn more about some common foods that are low in potassium and will be a welcome part of your new diet.
Eggs are a staple of the low-potassium diet since they're high in protein and essential nutrients. Try them scrambled or in an omelet with low-potassium veggies.
CC BY-SA 2.0/Ultra-Lab/Flickr
Kale is a popular veggie that's also a superfood. It also happens to be low in potassium, so don't hesitate to load up your plate with kale for a salad or stir-fry.
CC BY 2.0/jules/Flickr
Whole Wheat Pasta
Cutting down on potassium doesn't mean sacrificing some of your favorite dishes. Whole wheat pasta is a solid low-sodium meal choice that provides plenty of nutrients and a serving of whole grains so you stay satisfied.
CC BY 2.0/Marco Verch/Flickr
Goat Cheese
While dairy tends to be a high-potassium food, there are some cultured dairy products that are safe for a low-potassium diet. Goat cheese is an example of one such dairy product and sub for cream cheese in recipes or on salads and sandwiches.
Apples are high-fiber fruits that are packed with nutrients and also low in potassium. Keep apples on hand for quick grab-and-go snacks or even to enjoy sliced as cracker substitutes.
CC BY-SA 2.0/esc861/Flickr
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are high in protein and fiber and are an ideal low-potassium choice for breakfasts and snacks. Make them into a pudding or sprinkle them onto soups and cereals.
CC BY 2.0/Philipp Alexander/Flickr
The pepper is a tasty low-potassium veggie that's packed with vitamins and flavor. Use these diced in salads and eggs or stuff them with your favorite low-potassium filling for a tasty dinner.
CC BY 2.0/Marco Verch/Flickr
White Rice
White rice is a staple food across many cultures, and it also happens to have a low potassium content. Enjoy white rice as a base for stir fries and stews or as a side for other favorite entrees.
CC BY 2.0/Marco Verch/Flickr
Grapefruit is a tangy citrus fruit that's a tasty choice for breakfast or a snack. Pair it with some chia seeds for an extra boost of low-potassium nutrition.
CC BY 2.0/Duncan Hull/Flickr
Most nuts, including almonds, cashews, walnuts and macadamia nuts, are low in potassium. This makes them solid choices for snacking or adding to salads and soups for a protein boost.
Carbs may be delicious, but, depending on your health status and any conditions you may have, they may not be the most nourishing (or healthy) macronutrients for you to eat. However, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your favorite typically higher-carb foods — it just means you need a bit of creativity and a few tips and tricks for making modifications. That's especially true when it comes to a classic breakfast favorite: quiche.
Traditional quiche begins with a pie crust as its base, which isn't ideal if you're limiting carbs. But, by removing the crust — or using some delicious, low-carb substitutes — you can still enjoy the delicate egg and zesty ingredient combinations that make this dish so versatile. Start diversifying your low-carb breakfast menu (or even your evening meals) with these easy crustless quiche recipes.
Crustless Vegetable Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [EasyBuy4u/Getty Images]
Starting the day with an array of healthy vegetables — plus the protein from eggs — on your plate is never a bad idea. That's why this crustless vegetable quiche is such a nice option: You get great flavors and all the nutritional benefits of whatever veggies you add. Plus, it's vegetarian friendly. Even if you're not fully vegetarian, there are some great reasons to try this quiche; forgoing meat once in a while and upping your consumption of fresh produce can improve your cholesterol levels, for one.
This recipe from Food.com calls for broccoli, red pepper and zucchini, though you can swap them out for other vegetables if you prefer. Mushrooms, asparagus and tomatoes are tasty options as well. All are great sources of different vitamins, minerals and fiber. Add the cheese of your choice and some salt and pepper or other spices for an easy way to change up the flavor profile.
Crustless Quiche Lorraine
Photo Courtesy: [jaker5000/Getty Images]
Quiche Lorraine might be one of the most classic (and best-known) recipes for this dish — and it's just as delicious without the crust. If you're looking for a keto-friendly breakfast dish that helps you reach your daily protein goals, this crustless quiche Lorraine, also from Food.com, is a top option.
Generally, people who follow the ketogenic diet get about 75% of their daily calories from fat, 20-30% from protein and around 5% from carbs. This recipe gets its fat and protein from the eggs, bacon and Swiss cheese you'll use. If you want to add a vegetable for extra flavor and nutrients, try spinach; it's relatively low in carbs but packed with healthy vitamins A and K.
Bacon Cheeseburger Keto Breakfast Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [John Rizzo/Getty Images]
Looking for more crustless quiche options that work just as well for dinners as they do your morning meals? You'll want to try this bacon cheeseburger keto quiche from Kalyn's Kitchen. It satisfies keto fat and protein requirements thanks to its ground beef, bacon, eggs and the cheese of your choice (we recommend sharp cheddar). For a little bit of low-carb veggie crunch, add a handful of green onions and pickles into the mix too — yes, pickles in crustless quiche. They really do elevate this dish with their crunch and zesty tang.
Spicy Southwest Crustless Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [yipengge/Getty Images]
For those on the keto diet who also like a little kick to their meals, this spicy Southwest crustless quiche from the folks at Wisconsin Cheese will definitely satisfy any flavor cravings. It's packed full of fat and protein thanks to its eggs, heavy whipping cream, milk and pork sausage. Add some jalapenos, green peppers and pepper jack cheese to crank up the spice level.
As with most of the quiche dishes in this list, you'll cook this in a greased pie dish at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the edges are golden brown and the center of the quiche no longer looks runny or jiggly. It may take about 45 minutes to achieve the right cooked consistency, and you can also tell the quiche is done — as with many baked treats — when a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the quiche stand for about 10 minutes to fully firm up before slicing into it.
Vegan Crustless Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [Cavan Images/Getty Images]
This one is a bit of a surprise — a unique and flavorful surprise. You already know quiche is an egg dish, and eggs aren't vegan. So you might also be wondering how a vegan version could exist. In showcasing some true culinary creativity, this vegan crustless quiche from The Spruce Eats utilizes tofu, dairy-free crumbled cheese, soy or almond milk, nutritional yeast, ground cashews and dairy-free cream cheese.
The result is a smooth, authentic crustless quiche that's perfect for people who eat a plant-based diet or those who are allergic to eggs. In addition to its healthful egg-free base, it's got asparagus, garlic and turmeric to spice things up just right. You can always add or substitute your preference for other veggies as well; consider using what's in season to enjoy them at their peak of freshness.
Kale and Feta Crustless Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [Kale and Feta Crustless Quiche/Eating Bird Food]
Eating Bird Food's kale and feta crustless quiche recipe is an easy yet flavorful low-carb meal that makes for not only a delicious breakfast but also an ideal main course for lunch or dinner. Simply pair a slice with a cup of soup or a salad to create a well-rounded meal. As an added bonus, this recipe is a little different from other basic crustless quiches, which can keep your taste buds on their toes while giving you a nutrient boost at the same time.
Aside from the kale, feta and eggs — its star ingredients — this recipe uses coconut oil, almond milk, mushrooms, garlic, nutmeg and parsley. And here's an interesting tidbit of information about kale: It's a superfood that's chock-full of vitamins and minerals — but that's also low in calories and carbs.
Este artigo sobre a dieta low-carb, e como montar um cardápio low-carb vencedor foi uma adaptação de Guilherme Torres e Roney Fernandes. O texto original foi escrito pelo nutricionista Kris Gunnars e está aqui.
Talvez você saiba, talvez não, mas uma dieta low-carb é uma dieta que restringe a quantidade de carboidratos.
Isto inclui limitar a ingestão de alimentos como pães, massas e sobremesas ricas em açúcar.
E basear seu cardápio em alimentos ricos em proteínas, boas gorduras e vegetais de baixo amido (como legumes e verduras saudáveis).
Agora, a verdade é que existem muitos tipos diferentes de dietas low-carb.
E suas diferentes variações podem trazer inúmeros benefícios para a saúde.
Desde a perda de peso.
Até a melhora de condições como diabetes, pressão alta, gordura no fígado, enxaqueca, refluxo… e muito mais.
Porém, talvez você já saiba de tudo isto.
E que esteja interessado(a) especialmente em seguir uma dieta low-carb para emagrecer com saúde.
Por isso, hoje você vai aprender exatamente o que comer para emagrecer com a low-carb.
Então sugiro que leia atentamente este artigo, para descobrir exatamente:
em quais alimentos você deve basear sua estratégia low-carb,
quais alimentos é melhor evitar para emagrecer com segurança e rapidez, e mesmo
como seria um exemplo de cardápio de 7 dias para ter sucesso com a dieta low-carb.
Este texto completo é mais um dos conteúdos que disponibilizamos gratuitamente para nossa lista VIP de emails (clique aqui para participar sem custo nenhum).
Lembrando que você também pode nos seguir no Telegram para mais dicas e receitas.
Relacionado: Conheça nosso Cardápio Completo para 147 Dias de Dieta Low-Carb + Livro de Receitas Low-Carb
Plano De Refeições Para Dietas Low-carb
Veja no vídeo acima como cozinhamos para a semana toda em apenas 3 horas.
Determinar quais alimentos você deve comer depende de algumas coisas, como:
o quão saudável você está,
o quanto você se exercita, e
quanto peso você tem que perder.
Por isso, o exemplo de refeições low-carb para uma semana aqui não deve ser considerado algo definitivo — e muito menos prescritivo.
Trata-se apenas de um cardápio-exemplo grátis, com o objetivo de informar você sobre como fazer refeições low-carb pode ser delicioso e prático.
Princípios Básicos Da Dieta Low-Carb
Separamos abaixo um pequeno resumo sobre os grupos de alimentos permitidos e proibidos numa dieta low-carb.
A seguir, iremos detalhar um pouco mais sobre cada um desses grupos.
Alimentos que fazem parte da dieta low-carb:
algumas frutas,
oleaginosas e castanhas (incluindo suas farinhas),
óleos saudáveis como azeite de oliva,
e talvez até mesmo alguns tubérculos, leguminosas e grãos sem glúten – dependendo de quão low-carb você quiser ser.
Por exemplo, numa estratégia cetogênica, dificilmente estes alimentos entrariam.
(Embora você pudesse comer algumas frutas como morango e kiwi – e mesmo alimentos como cenoura e abóbora, que muita gente pensa que não entram numa dieta very low-carb.)
Alimentos que não fazem parte da dieta low-carb:
xarope de milho rico em frutose (HFCS),
trigo e seus derivados,
farinhas e massas,
alimentos ricos em amido (como o arroz),
óleos vegetais como óleo de soja,
gorduras trans,
além da maioria dos alimentos "diet", "light", "zero", e com baixo teor de gordura e alimentos altamente processados.
Se você quiser saber em mais detalhes quais alimentos são permitidos e proibidos na dieta low-carb, pode baixar grátis esta lista completa de alimentos permitidos na dieta low-carb.
Lista De Alimentos Low-Carb – Alimentos Proibidos
Numa dieta low-carb, os grupos de alimentos a seguir são proibidos:
Açúcar: Refrigerantes, sucos de fruta, agave, doces, sorvetes e muitos outros.
Grãos Ricos em Glúten: Trigo, trigo-vermelho, cevada e centeio. Incluindo pães, cervejas e massas.
Gorduras Trans: Óleos "Hidrogenados" ou "parcialmente hidrogenados", e alimentos que contenham esses ingredientes como bolachas, batata frita congelada, margarina, etc.
Óleos Vegetais Ricos em Ômega-6: Óleos de algodão, soja, girassol, milho, cártamo e canola.
Adoçantes Artificiais: Aspartame, sacarina, ciclamatos e acesulfame-k. Prefira xilitol, eritritol ou estévia em vez destes. (Leia mais sobre adoçantes na low-carb aqui.)
Produtos "Diet" e com "Baixo Teor de Gordura": Geralmente estes produtos têm muito açúcar adicionado (leite desnatado, iogurte zero gordura, barrinhas de cereais, bolachas "fit", etc).
Alimentos Altamente Processados: Se parecer que foi feito em uma fábrica, não coma.
Você deve sempre ler as listas de ingredientes dos alimentos que estiver comprando, inclusive daqueles alimentos considerados "saudáveis".
Uma boa alternativa é focar em "alimentos que não tenham rótulos", como veremos a seguir.
Relacionado: Conheça nosso Cardápio Completo para 147 Dias de Dieta Low-Carb + Livro de Receitas Low-Carb
Lista De Alimentos Low-carb – Alimentos Permitidos
Você deve basear a sua dieta nestes alimentos de verdade, não-processados e low-carb.
Carne: Carne de vaca, cordeiro, porco, frango e outros.
Peixe: Salmão, truta, sardinha, atum, e muitos outros.
Ovos: Todos os tipos ovos estão liberados, inclusive as gemas.
Vegetais: Espinafre, brócolis, couve-flor, cenouras e muitos outros.
Frutas: abacate, coco, morango, limão, mirtilo.
Nozes e Sementes: Amêndoas, nozes, castanhas do pará, sementes de girassol, etc.
Laticínios com Alto Teor de Gordura: Queijos, manteiga, ghee, creme de leite.
Óleos e Gorduras: Óleo de coco, manteiga, banha, azeite de oliva.
Se você precisa perder peso, tenha cuidado com queijo e nozes porque eles são fáceis de comer em grandes quantidades.
E mesmo com relação a outros alimentos muito calóricos e que proporcionam baixa saciedade (infelizmente pode haver excesso de gordura mesmo na dieta low-carb ou cetogênica).
Quanto às frutas, escrevemos outro texto entrando em detalhes sobre a quantidade de carboidratos nas principais frutas.
Relacionado: baixe gratuitamente uma lista completa de alimentos permitidos na dieta low-carb.
Lista de Alimentos Low-carb – Alimentos Para Comer Com Moderação
Se você está saudável, ativo e não precisa perder peso, então você pode comer mais carboidratos saudáveis do que quem precisa emagrecer (ou seja, não tem que ficar contando e se preocupando tanto com os carboidratos líquidos).
Nesse caso, a abordagem fica mais próxima de uma dieta paleo, e você pode incluir alimentos como:
Tubérculos: Batata, batata doce, inhame, cará.
Frutas: maçã, pera, banana, uva, maracujá.
Leguminosas: Lentilhas, feijão preto, feijão carioca, etc. (Se o seu organismo os aceita bem.)
Você também pode aproveitar algumas iguarias com moderação se quiser:
Chocolate Escuro / Amargo: Opte por aqueles com 70% de cacau ou mais.
Vinho: Escolha vinhos secos, sem adição de açúcares ou carboidratos, como os vinhos low-carb que descrevemos aqui.
O chocolate escuro (70% ou mais de cacau) é uma boa fonte de antioxidantes e pode trazer benefícios para saúde – se você comer com moderação.
No entanto, esteja ciente de que tanto o chocolate escuro quanto o álcool vão atrapalhar seu progresso se você ingerir demais desses alimentos.
Relacionado: baixe gratuitamente uma lista de compras exemplo para dieta low-carb.
Lista de Alimentos Low-Carb – Bebidas Liberadas
5 dicas de bebidas para a dieta low-carb e cetogênica
As bebidas low-carb podem ser um forte aliado durante uma alimentação low-carb, principalmente durante períodos de jejum.
Até porque o café não quebra o jejum, e pode até intensificar alguns de seus benefícios.
Isso porque elas ajudam você a se manter hidratado, ajudam a repor alguns micronutrientes e ainda substituem com maestria possíveis bebidas cheias de açúcares que você poderia ingerir.
Algumas bebidas low-carb 100% liberadas são:
Café (descubra todos os benefícios do café aqui)
Bebidas carbonatadas sem adição de açúcar (como água com gás)
Água saborizada
Inclusive falamos mais sobre água saborizada e como preparar sua própria água com sabor em um outro texto.
Resumindo: Até agora, você entendeu alguns dos alimentos que formam as bases do estilo alimentar low-carb, e também viu alguns que é mais prudente evitar.
Agora, vamos ver como organizamos tudo isso num plano semanal low-carb fácil de seguir.
Dica: Se quiser, pode aprender a preparar marmitas low-carb aqui.
Cardápio Low-Carb – Exemplo de Cardápio Para Uma Semana De Dieta
Cardápio Exemplo Para 1 Dia De Dieta Low-Carb Ou Cetogênica
Agora, você verá um exemplo de cardápio de uma semana para quem está seguindo um plano de dieta low-carb.
Ele fornece menos de 50 gramas de carboidratos totais por dia.
Sendo que é possível emagrecer com menos carboidratos ainda (e até entrar em cetose).
Assim como é possível emagrecer ingerindo mais carboidratos.
Apenas escolhemos esta faixa como uma ingestão de carboidratos que não vai limitar muito suas escolhas, ao mesmo tempo em que te permite colher os benefícios da low-carb (incluindo o emagrecimento).
Café da manhã: Omelete com legumes variados.
Almoço: Bifes de contra-filé com salada de alface e tomate.
Jantar: Sobrecoxa assada com pele e sopa nutritiva de couve.
Café da manhã: Bacon e ovos.
Almoço: Carne moída com abobrinha e salada mista (folhas, tomate, pepino).
Jantar:Lasanha de berinjela low-carb ou o que sobrou das outras refeições.
Café da manhã:Queijadinha low-carb.
Almoço: Bisteca de porco frita na manteiga com mix de vegetais refogados (berinjela, abobrinha, abóbora, jiló, couve, etc).
Jantar: Coxa de frango com pele e espinafre com molho branco.
Café da manhã:Panini low-carb com presunto e queijo.
Almoço: Bife à cavalo com salada de tomate e cebola.
Jantar: Omelete de forno cetogênico com brócolis no vapor.
Café da manhã: Bacon e ovos.
Almoço:Torta salgada de frango com couve refogada.
Jantar: Costeletas de porco com legumes.
Café da manhã:Bolinho de caneca de coco low-carb.
Almoço: Mix de legumes no vapor com pernil na manteiga.
Jantar:Pizza low-carb com recheio a sua escolha.
Café da manhã:Pão low-carb com ovos e queijo (clique aqui para mais ideias para café da manhã baixo em carboidratos).
Almoço: Churrasco (com direito a todas as carnes, mas fique longe do pão de alho).
Jantar:Macarrão de abobrinha com molho bolognesa.
Relacionado: conheça nosso cardápio exemplo para 147 dias de low-carb (acompanha livro de receitas).
Cardápio-exemplo de 7 dias para a dieta low-carb – Observações Importantes
Aqui estão alguns pontos importantes que você tem de manter em mente quando for montar o seu cardápio low-carb.
A primeira delas é de que você tem sim que evitar pães, massas, açúcares… por serem fontes de carboidratos.
Mas que outros alimentos que por vezes são vistos como fontes de carboidratos (como frutas e legumes) não precisam ser tão limitados.
Afinal de contas, se o seu objetivo é permanecer em menos de 50 gramas de carboidratos por dia, então há espaço para bastantes vegetais na sua dieta.
Mesmo se você quiser fazer uma dieta very low-carb como uma dieta cetogênica.
A segunda observação diz respeito à fome.
Comendo carnes, ovos, e saladas à vontade, você não deve precisar passar fome para emagrecer.
Pois estes alimentos fornecem saciedade para você.
Isto é: seu corpo vai ficar saciado e nutrido, sem ter que passar fome para isso.
E, seguindo este tipo de estratégia, você vai conseguir emagrecer mesmo sem contar calorias, calcular nutrientes, ou anotar o que come num aplicativo.
E a terceira é lembrar que você terá todos os nutrientes de que precisa ao seguir este cardápio.
Inclusive, fizemos um vídeo mostrando exatamente isso.
Se você quiser ver um cardápio exemplo para mais 91 dias de dieta low-carb, clique aqui.
Sendo que este cardápio será muito poderoso para emagrecer e ter saúde.
Porém que você não está proibido de fazer exceções ocasionais.
Desde que elas sejam limitadas a uma parte pequena do tempo.
Por exemplo, se você segue a dieta certinho durante 30 dias do mês.
Não tem problema se no 31˚ quiser ter um dia livre (sem preocupações com a dieta).
Ou se, uma vez por semana, quiser se permitir um pequeno prazer, como uma refeição livre ocasional.
O importante é que essa seja a exceção – e não a regra.
Por fim, lembre-se de que este é apenas um cardápio-exemplo.
O objetivo não é dizer para você exatamente o que comer a cada refeição, mas sim dar ideias de pratos low-carb saborosos e combinações entre eles.
Com base nisso, você sempre pode incluir ou retirar alimentos dependendo da sua disponibilidade, das suas restrições alimentares, e dos seus gostos pessoais.
Por exemplo, se você for vegetariano e quiser seguir a dieta low-carb, então pode substituir as opções de carnes por ovos, queijo ou outra fonte de proteína.
Pode até mesmo pular refeições, se você quiser seguir algum protocolo de jejum intermitente e assim colher os benefícios tanto da low-carb quanto do ji.
Se você ainda não pratica jejum, então pode se interessar por saber que esta prática apresenta benefícios tanto para homens quanto para mulheres.
Relacionado: Conheça nosso Cardápio Completo para 147 Dias de Dieta Low-Carb + Livro de Receitas Low-Carb
Dieta Low-Carb – Quantas Refeições Comer No Dia E Ideias De Lanches Saudáveis
Primeiramente, sempre é bom lembrar que não há nenhuma razão de saúde para que você coma mais de 3 refeições por dia.
Afinal de contas, o mito de comer de 3 em 3 horas já foi derrubado pela ciência repetidas vezes.
Portanto, você pode se sentir à vontade para comer uma vez ao dia, ou duas, ou a cada 4 horas, ou a cada 3 horas…
O mais importante é comer quando se tem fome e não em intervalos regulares.
E sempre até a saciedade.
Dessa forma vai ser mais improvável que você tenha fome fora de hora ou que tenha que recorrer a lanchinhos ao longo do dia.
No entanto, se você ficar com fome entre as refeições, pode se sentir à vontade para comer lanches low-carb.
Aqui estão algumas dicas de lanches low-carb saudáveis, fáceis de preparar e que podem te deixar saciado:
Alguma fruta low-carb
Ovos de codorna cozidos
Cenouras baby
Uma fatia de pão PLOC
Mix de oleaginosas (nozes, castanhas, macadâmias, amêndoas…)
Mix de queijos e embutidos
Um bolinho rápido de microondas
Um panini low-carb
E muito mais.
(Interessante notar que os alimentos acima também são boas opções de pré e pós treino na dieta low-carb.)
Outras ideias de lanches estão disponíveis na nossa página de receitas low-carb, e você também pode baixar livros de receitas em pdf aqui.
Como Low-Carb Ao Comer Fora De Casa
Você pode seguir sua dieta mesmo quando for comer na rua.
Pois, na maioria dos restaurantes, é bastante fácil fazer suas refeições ficarem compatíveis com uma dieta low-carb.
Se você for montar um prato, pode seguir o seguinte modelo de 3 passos:
Começar colocando em seu prato uma(s) boa(s) fonte(s) de proteína (carne, frango, porco ou peixe),
Colocar vegetais refogados ou cozidos ao redor,
Completar com salada de vegetais crus e azeite de oliva.
Adicionalmente, já demos a seguinte dica em nosso texto sobre como ter sucesso na dieta low-carb, para ocasiões onde você for comer em restaurantes à la carte:
Aprendi esta dica com o Tim Ferriss, criador da Dieta Slow Carb – que exige que você siga suas regras estritamente durante 6 dias por semana.
Acontece que Tim Ferriss adora comer fora, e ele percebeu que muitos restaurantes oferecem deliciosos pratos que seriam low-carb.
Porém, esses pratos geralmente vêm com acompanhamentos como arroz e fritas – que, como você deve saber, não são nada indicados para quem quer seguir essa dieta.
Então, duas frases que você pode utilizar ao fazer o pedido daquele belo contrafilé são:
Eu gostaria do contrafilé, só que com legumes em vez do arroz.
Muitas vezes, apenas isso funciona. Entretanto, outras vezes você tem de complementar com a frase #2:
Tudo bem se eu tiver de pagar um pouco a mais por isso.
Se mesmo assim não funcionar, peça a salada ou os legumes como acompanhamento, e simplesmente não coma o arroz.
No final das contas, essa substituição não vai ser cara (sendo que é muitas vezes grátis).
Aliás, se você já está se dando ao trabalho de comer num restaurante à la carte, você pode pagar o adicional que ocasionalmente vai ser cobrado…
Reflita: quanto vale para você ficar em forma e ser saudável?
Considere esse pequeno custo adicional o seu "imposto de magro e saudável", e pague com prazer.
Relacionado: conheça aqui uma maneira fácil de investir em sua saúde.
Uma Lista De Compras Para A Dieta Low-carb
Se você deseja ter sucesso com seu novo plano alimentar, deve comprar alimentos condizentes com ele.
E também evitar ter "tentações" em casa.
É por este motivo que costumamos dizer que "a dieta começa no mercado".
Portanto, uma boa dica é fazer suas compras na feira e no açougue (confira aqui a lista do que comprar nesses lugares).
Nesses locais, você dificilmente irá cair em tentações ou comprar alimentos que não sejam comida de verdade por engano.
Claro, alimentos orgânicos e carnes de animais criados no pasto são melhores – mas você não precisa perder noites de sono ou deixar de fazer a dieta se não conseguir comprá-los.
Como gostamos de dizer, "o ótimo não pode ser inimigo do bom".
Isso quer dizer que focar sua alimentação em bichos e plantas, sejam eles orgânicos ou não, já será muito melhor que comer "porcarias" industrializadas e cheias de carboidratos refinados.
Porque, mesmo se você não comprar alimentos orgânicos, a sua dieta ainda vai ser mil vezes melhor do que a dieta padrão ocidental e que a maioria das pessoas segue.
Tente escolher a opção menos processada e que ainda cabe no seu bolso.
Carne (carne de vaca, cordeiro, carne de porco, frango)
Lembrando que pode ser interessante ter alguns alimentos "de emergência" em casa, para você nunca ficar sem opções.
Elas servem tanto para um dia preguiçoso em que você não quer sair de casa quanto para caso algum dia você chegue tarde da noite e não disponha de mercados abertos.
Nesse caso, algumas opções comuns para se ter são legumes congelados, peixes em lata (atum e sardinha são meus favoritos), e mesmo alguns ovos.
Na mesma linha, pode ser recomendável retirar da sua despensa todas as tentações não-saudáveis: batatas fritas, doces, sorvetes, refrigerantes, sucos, pães, cereais, farinha de trigo e açúcar.
Pois isso diminui bastante as suas chances de erro (veja aqui quais são os 6 erros mais comuns da dieta low-carb).
Relacionado: Conheça nosso Cardápio Completo para 147 Dias de Dieta Low-Carb + Livro de Receitas Low-Carb
Conclusão E Palavras Finais
Seguir uma dieta low-carb pode parecer difícil no começo.
E entender exatamente quais alimentos você vai comer é uma parte importante desse processo de adaptação.
A verdade é que os primeiros dias podem sim ser mais desafiadores.
Mas, logo após essa fase inicial, as coisas tendem a ficar mais fáceis e mesmo agradáveis.
Se você gostaria de ter acesso a mais recursos para facilitar esta transição…
Ao mesmo tempo em que tem a certeza de que está fazendo tudo certo – para ter o máximo de resultados, com o mínimo de complicação…
Então quero te fazer um convite.
Eu convido você a conhecer o Guia Cardápio Low-Carb – um guia estruturado de refeições baixas em carboidratos 100% saudável e com emagrecimento garantido.
Com este Guia, você não terá mais dúvidas do que comer a cada refeição.
E saberá que, a cada dia que passa, está mais próximo(a) de atingir seus objetivos de saúde e boa forma física.
Entenda como funciona o Guia Cardápio Low-Carb.
E o melhor: vai descobrir como adaptar a dieta low-carb para o seu estilo de vida.
Levando em consideração fatores como praticidade, custo, gostos, e preferências pessoais.
E você está a um passo de desbloquear tudo isso.
Veja os detalhes do plano que preparamos para você.
Será um prazer ajudar na sua transformação.
Forte abraço, — Guilherme e Roney, do Senhor Tanquinho.
On a low-carb diet, it can be difficult to consume enough fruits due to their high sugar content.
Low-carb fruits include strawberries, avocados, plums, and nectarines.
To help prevent blood sugar spikes, try pairing these fruits with fats and proteins.
Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.
Whether you are on a low-carb diet because of a medical condition, like diabetes, or just trying to lose weight , eating low-carb fruit is good for you. Plus, eating nutrient-rich fruit is essential for consuming enough vitamins and minerals.
Here are 15 low-carb fruits and why they're so healthy for you, recommended by Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, RDN, founder of the health and wellness company 360Girls&Women®LLC.
1. Strawberries
Strawberries make a delicious and juicy snack. Blaine Harrington III/Getty Images
1/2 cup of whole strawberries contains:
5.6 grams (g) carbohydrates,
1.4 g fiber
23.1 calories
Strawberries contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cardiovascular events. Compounds in strawberries have also been found to suppress the progression of tumors.
Strawberries are also unlikely to spike blood sugar levels because they have a relatively low glycemic index of 41. The glycemic index (GI) is a measurement of how quickly a food will cause your blood sugar to spike, and anything with a GI of 55 or less is considered low.
2. Watermelon
Watermelon's high water content makes it a filling snack. Kevin Reid/ Getty Images
1/2 cup diced watermelon:
5.75 g carbs
0.3 g fiber
22.8 calories
Watermelon is one of few fruits rich in lycopene, a natural pigment that may be associated with a decreased risk of heart problems and certain types of cancer, though more research in humans is needed to confirm this.
Due to the lack of fiber, watermelon has a higher GI score of 76. So if you have a medical condition like diabetes , you should pair watermelon with protein or fiber to slow the spike in blood sugar.
A fruit's fiber content is important for its glycemic index, because the higher the fiber, the slower your body breaks down carbs from the fruit's sugars, preventing blood sugar spikes.
3. Avocado
Unlike most fruit, avocado is high in heart healthy fats. Aleksandr Zubkov/Getty Images
1/2 cup sliced avocado:
6.3 g carbs
4.9 g fiber
117 calories
While avocados are high in calories, they're also high in monounsaturated (aka "healthy") fat and low in sugar and carbs, giving them a low GI score.
Moreover, avocados are an excellent source of potassium. Half a cup of sliced avocado has about 354 mg, or 7.5% of your daily value. A diet high in potassium has been shown to help lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure and hypertension — typically anything above 120/80.
4. Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe's rich orange color is thanks to its high vitamin A content. Shutterstock
1/2 cup diced cantaloupe:
6.4 g carbs
0.7 g fiber
26.5 calories
Like watermelon, cantaloupe has a high-water, low-fiber content and, consequently, a relatively high GI of about 65.
It contains beta carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body to help keep the immune system, skin, and hair healthy, Anderson-Haynes says.
5. Blackberries
Blackberries are a great source of antioxidants. mphillips007/Getty Images
1/2 cup of blackberries:
6.9 g carbs
3.8 g fiber
30.1 calories
Not only do blackberries have a low GI, but they're also high in manganese. Half a cup of blackberries contains 0.47 mg, or 20% of the daily recommended value (DV). Manganese is a mineral crucial for maintaining bone health.
6. Raspberries
Raspberries are also high in antioxidants, like most berries. Katie Haller/Shutterstock
1/2 cup of raspberries:
7.3 g carbs
4 g fiber
32 calories
Raspberries contain anthocyanins, natural pigments with high antioxidant levels that can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. They also have a low GI.
7. Peaches
Try grilling peaches and topping your salads with them. Shutterstock
1 medium peach:
14.3 g carbs
2.3 g fiber
58.5 calories
One medium peach contains 1.1 mg of vitamin E, or 7.3% DV. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that boosts the body's immune system to help fight infection. Their GI is 43.
8. Nectarines
Nectarines make a great on-the-go snack. gdmoonkiller / iStock
1 medium nectarine:
15.1 g carbs
2.4 g fiber
62.5 calories.
Nectarines are a good source of vitamin E, with one medium fruit containing 1.1 mg (8% DV) as well as 1.6 mg of niacin (10% DV). Niacin helps the nervous system function properly and keeps the liver, skin, hair, and eyes healthy. It also is low on the glycemic index with a score of 35.
9. Apples
You'll have to settle for yellow or green apples if you're eating keto. Jona Baker/Getty Images
1 medium apple:
25.1 g carbs
4.4 g fiber
94.6 calories
Apples have the most carbs of the fruits listed. However, we've included them here not only for their low GI score of 38 but also because they contain prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria in your digestive system. In turn, this can improve your gut health and may help regulate mood and bowel movements.
10. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is low in calories, making it a great fruit if you're trying to lose weight. Joey Hadden/Business Insider
½ grapefruit:
9.2 g carbs
1.4 g fiber
36.9 calories
Grapefruit is one of the lowest-calorie foods on our list and also has a very low GI of 25. Moreover, it's high in vitamin C, with 45.5 mg (50.1% DV) per half of a grapefruit. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that also helps the body's immune system work properly.
11. Plums
Plums make a great on-the-go snack. Alexander Spatari/Getty Images
1 plum:
7.5 g carbs
0.92 g fiber
30.4 calories
Plums are rich in anthocyanins, the same pigment found in raspberries, and also have a low GI. They also contain a compound called resveratrol, which can fight inflammation, thereby possibly lowering the risk of certain diseases including cancer, type 2 diabetes , and heart disease .
12. Oranges
Add oranges to an arugula salad. Shutterstock
1 orange:
16.2 g carbs
3.4 g fiber
64.9 calories
One orange is high in vitamin C, with 63.4 mg (70% DV), and contains 24 micrograms of folate (6% DV). Folate is a mineral important in red blood cell formation, which is needed for supplying oxygen throughout the body. They also have a low glycemic index at 43.
13. Blueberries
Sprinkle blueberries on top of Greek yogurt for a healthy breakfast. Massimo Rubino / EyeEm/ Getty Images
1/2 cup of blueberries:
10.8 g carbs
1.8 g fiber
42.2 calories
Like other berries, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, including 7.2 mg of vitamin C (8% DV) per ½ cup. The glycemic index is between 40 and 53, depending on the variety and ripeness.
14. Pineapple
Pineapple is not only a delicious snack, but a healthy one, too. Huyen Nguyen / EyeEm/Getty Images
1/2 cup pineapple chunks:
10.8 g carbs
1.2 g fiber
41.3 calories
Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain that may help treat indigestion and reduce inflammation. However, most of this research was conducted in animals and may not be applicable to humans.
To prevent blood sugar spikes, it's important to pair pineapple with either protein or fiber, since this tropical fruit has a relatively high GI score of 59 for our list.
15. Mango
Try freezing mango for a yummy snack. insjoy/Getty Images
1/2 cup mango pieces:
12.4 g carbs
1.3 g fiber
49.5 calories
Much like cantaloupe, mangoes are rich in beta carotene and vitamin C, with 30.1 mg (33.4% DV) per ½ cup. Plus, they are less likely to cause blood sugar spikes with a glycemic index of 51.
Insider's takeaway
Just because you count carbs doesn't mean you have to cut fruit. You don't even have to limit yourself to a few fruits — there are plenty of low-carb options in stores.
And that's important because eating a variety of fruits and vegetables ensures you're getting all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to keep you happy and healthy — and maybe make you a little healthier.
"The goal is to balance all your nutrients so that they're lowering calories, to lose weight and balance blood sugar," Anderson-Haynes says.
Allison Torres Burtka is a freelance writer and editor in metro Detroit. Her writing has been published in the Guardian, espnW, Women's Running, the Sierra Club's Sierra magazine, Crain's Detroit Business, and other outlets. She writes on topics like health and wellness, sports, environment, sustainability, and business leadership. To see more of her work, visit atburtka.journoportfolio.com.
Have you suddenly developed keto insomnia after going low carb?
Get your top 4 keto-friendly food recommendations to prevent keto insomnia
Are you tired of not being able to fall or stay asleep like you used to?
Although you may think you can run on five or six hours of sleep, the short- and long-term effects of chronic sleep deprivation are not cute.
A lack of sleep could also be the reason you're not losing as much weight as you could be.
So what causes this crummy side effect and is there a keto insomnia cure?
Let's begin by understanding how your snooze time can be affected by your diet– and why keto may be altering your sleep quality.
How Your Diet Affects Your Sleep (And Vice Versa!)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says only one in three Americans clocks more than seven hours of sleep regularly[*].
And since most people need around eight hours of sleep each night, that means 75% of us are desperately sleep deprived.
Not getting enough sleep has been correlated with an increased risk for:
Type 2 diabetes[*]
Hypertension, or high blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease
And the less you sleep, the harder it becomes to lose those stubborn pounds since research shows poor sleep can lead to unintentional weight gain[*][*].
According to one study, when participants were limited to just four hours of sleep, the following day they experienced[*]:
Increased hunger drive
24% jump in calorie intake
Increased ghrelin levels (the hormone that triggers your appetite)
Decreased leptin levels (the hormone responsible for appetite control)
With higher ghrelin levels, you'll constantly feel hungry throughout the day. With lower leptin levels, you'll tend to overeat since this hormone tells you when to put down your fork.
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One paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that when you don't get enough zzzs, you also tend to snack more, thus eating more calories during the day[*].
Another study shows the difference between a good night of sleep and a poor one:
Participants eating the same amount of calories were split into two groups: one was allowed 8.5 hours of sleep while the other group only slept 5.5 hours.
Researchers noticed the group sleeping fewer hours was[*]:
Hungry more often
Likelier to store the fat they ate instead of use or burn it
55% less likely to see fat loss
60% more likely to lose weight from lean body mass (aka muscle)
So even if you're trucking along on your keto diet plan and exercising right, you could be losing muscle instead of pudgy fat if you're not sleeping enough.
Let's get to the bottom of why you may be spending more time counting sheep than slumbering.
Causes of Insomnia on the Keto Diet
Though many new to the ketogenic diet report trouble sleeping, there's no definite answer for why that is.
Here's what we know so far:
Insomnia is the inability to fall or stay asleep.
Let's get a few other key terms out of the way while you're here:
Sleep-onset latency (SOL) is how long it takes you to fall asleep at night.
Sleep duration is how long you sleep per night.
Sleep efficiency is how well you actually slept based on your sleep quality.
Your sleep quality can be characterized by times of[*]:
Slow wave sleep (SWS), which is deep and restorative.
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when your brain works on storing and filing away memories.
Poor sleep is generally defined as low sleep efficiency and high SOL (anywhere from 30+ minutes).
There are several reasons for sleep problems which aren't diet-related, including:
Stress, anxiety and depression
Alcohol and substance abuse
Hormonal changes or conditions
Certain illnesses
Sleep apnea
Caffeine and other stimulants
You may be able to get a handle on your sleep issues if you can manage these causes with medical advice from your doctor.
But if you can't, it may be time to explore the ketogenic diet and insomnia connection.
See if you can identify with a few possible explanations for your keto insomnia, which may include:
1. Keto Flu
The most common reason people have trouble sleeping when they switch to a ketogenic diet is the dreaded keto flu.
It happens when you give carbs the cold shoulder and switch to fat as your body's main energy source.
Keto flu symptoms include:
Stomach aches or pains
Brain fog
Dizziness or confusion
Diarrhea or constipation
Muscle cramping or soreness
Lack of concentration or focus
Sugar cravings
Heart palpitations
Just like the regular flu, keto flu may start and end within 24–72-hours.
So there's hope your insomnia will subside (along with your other keto flu symptoms) the closer you get to ketosis.
The next reason for your sleeplessness may be due to having fewer dietary carbohydrates and comfort foods on keto.
2. Your Body Is Adjusting To Your New Keto Macros
Recent research finds the higher amounts of protein and fat you eat on a keto diet combined with your reduction of carbs can temporarily affect your sleep while your body adjusts to this new way of eating.
Turns out, your body has to adapt to metabolizing the macros of a keto diet, and this adaptation can influence your sleep patterns.
In one study, non-obese, good sleepers starting a keto diet had a reduced REM sleep in the short-term[*], while another study found those on a keto diet were more active during early sleep stages 1 and 2[*].
The reduced REM sleep and sleep alterations you may experience when you start eating keto can contribute to your insomnia[*].
3. You're Bursting with Extra Energy from Fat
How could high energy be a bad thing?
Since healthy fats like grass fed butter, coconut oil and the energy booster MCT oil give your brain and body a lift, you may find yourself:
Wide awake at bedtime
Up in the middle of the night and feeling refreshed
Waking up earlier than your alarm in the AM
While these scenarios may sound awesome for the first few days or even weeks of your high-fat diet, chronically missing an hour or two of sleep here and there still increases your chances of health problems and weight gain.
And if fat loss is your goal and you're practicing IF, that may also be a temporary problem.
4. Intermittent Fasting May Be Increasing Your Stress
When you practice intermittent fasting (IF), you're basically pushing your body into glucose starvation mode. This helps you burn through your extra glycogen reserves and speed up ketone production.
However, IF can raise the stress hormone cortisol in women and those especially sensitive to drastic dietary changes like someone who switches from the Standard American Diet to a keto one.
Higher levels of cortisol mean you'll be feeling extra anxious and on edge, which makes restful slumber pretty impossible.
It's also incredibly difficult to stay asleep if your diet causes so many late night pee breaks.
5. Depleting Glycogen Stores And Releasing Water
While you're making your way into nutritional ketosis, your body will be burning through your glycogen reserves. Each gram of glycogen has three to four grams of water attached to it[*].
Your body will be releasing that water via urination as it works through your glycogen stores.
Depending on how full your glycogen tanks are, you may be waking up to visit the bathroom more often than usual and that will definitely ruin your night's sleep.
Nocturia, the official name for having to pee in the middle of your beauty rest, is a common complaint from people during keto — and it gets worse as you get older.
According to one study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, older adults who wake up frequently to urinate at night also[*]:
Have a harder time getting back to sleep
Suffer overall poor sleep quality
Feel less rested the following day
Fortunately, as soon as you burn through your glycogen reserves and release all that water, this problem with practically disappear.
Releasing all that water from your body also has the potential to mess up your electrolyte balance.
6. An Electrolyte Imbalance
When you're low on magnesium, an important mineral and electrolyte, you may be a little more stressed and anxious than usual. This can also keep you from falling asleep fast.
Plus, when you're not getting enough magnesium you're prone to muscle cramps and charley horses that wake you up mid-slumber. Ouch!
So how long does keto insomnia last?
Before you speak to your doctor about sleeping pills, just know most sleep problems go away for the majority of people on a ketogenic diet.
And with the help of a few of these sleep hacks, it may go away sooner than later.
How to Cure Keto Insomnia?
If you've always been a sound sleeper and quick to hit the hay, you'll get there again soon if you just hang in there.
In fact, you'll start to sleep better than you did pre-keto life.
Patience not your strong suit?
Try one of these 10 tips to cure insomnia on the keto diet:
1. Stop Eating So Late
Don't eat anything four hours before bedtime.
This gives you enough time to work off the energy from your last meal before bed, while also providing enough fuel that you don't wake up starving in the middle of the night.
2. Get Your Electrolytes Right
It's mission critical to watch your electrolytes before and during ketosis.
Specifically for better sleep, you can take a magnesium glycinate supplement to:
Reduce insomnia
Improve sleep quality
Act as a natural muscle relaxer to ward off leg cramps and charley horses in the middle of the night
You'll also find magnesium in Epsom salts, which can be absorbed in your skin during a relaxing night time bath soak. Add a few drops of calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile and you'll be on a cloud to better sleep in no time.
Bone broth is also liquid gold on keto because it contains a powerful amino acid called glycine that can enhance sleep quality. In addition, drinking bone broth can help keep your electrolytes up[*].
If you're just starting the keto diet, chances are your electrolytes need balance. Take a high-quality keto electrolyte supplement to reduce any side effects of low electrolytes, including insomnia.
3. Dim The Lights and Control Blue Light Before Bedtime
Your body follows the natural circadian rhythms of sunrise and sunset to regulate your wakefulness and sleepiness. Darkness lowers cortisol levels and increases melatonin whereas bright lights do the opposite.
So to get your body sleepy, try mimicking sunset by keeping the lights in your house on a dimmer switch and turning them down in the PM hours.
Don't forget about the blue light emitted from your cell phone, laptop, TV and other device screens. This light not only raises cortisol levels, it interferes with the way melatonin is produced so it takes you longer to feel tired and fall asleep.
Downloading an app like f.lux for your devices, which automatically reduces blue light after sunset if you must use a screen at this time.
Getting blue light blocking glasses
Getting dimmable light bulbs
4. Make Sure The Room Is Cool But Your Hands And Feet Stay Warm
The room where you'll be sleeping should be cool and dark but your extremities should be warm.
Researchers noticed when your hands and feet are warmer than your core, your body begins the sleep process faster than if you were actually physically tired[*].
5. Exercise Earlier In The Day
A hard workout after a stressful day is all well and good, but try to keep your exercise earlier than 7 pm. Since exercise wakes up your entire body, you're going to have a harder time calming down for bed if you work out late.
And if you're not exercising long or hard enough, that may also be a problem for your sleep.
With all your boundless keto energy, you need to burn off your excess by working out between 20–30 minutes at least three times a week.
Do this and you'll not only hit the hay faster and stay asleep longer because your body will be more tired, you'll also lose more weight.
6. Practice Meditation Or Yoga Before Bed
On the other hand, light, gentle exercises like yoga can help your body ease into sleepiness, unwind and clear your headspace for dreamland.
There are even yoga routines, poses and stretches specifically designed for bedtime like this one.
7. Slowly Ease Into Your Carb Macros
Ladies and those who have trouble sleeping already may want to consider slowly decreasing their carbs instead of starting at the 25g limit on day one.
Trim your diet by 50g of carbs per day until you reach the 25g net carb average for ketosis and your body will have an easier time adjusting.
8. Eat Your Carbs Later In The Day
Studies suggest eating your carbs four hours before you go to sleep may be better than having a lower carb meal in the same time frame[*].
This gives you ample time to use that energy while also increasing serotonin production to help you fall asleep sooner.
9. Watch The Caffeine
Did you know caffeine can stay in your bloodstream for up to six hours after you consume it[*]? Research now confirms that taking caffeine up to 6 hours before bedtime will disrupt your sleep.
Cap your caffeine intake to morning and early afternoon hours only. You can switch to green or herbal teas later in the day.
10. Try Adding More Carbs
Finally, as a last resort after trying all the other sleep tips on this list, adding a small amount of carbs (think: 5–10 grams per day) back in your diet may be the secret to more snooze time.
This extra glucose may stabilize your cortisol levels and also help with serotonin production. But always be careful when adding more carbs — otherwise you can get kicked out of ketosis.
The Takeaway
Research shows increasing your sleep time by just one hour more can help you make healthier food choices the next day[*].
So try one or all of these tips for better sleep and you'll successfully reach your eight-hour goal and get healthier overall.
After all, if you're putting in the hard work of sticking to the ketogenic diet, you owe it to your body to also tuck in for an early night of restorative sleep too.
Who knows? You could wake up a few pounds lighter — or at least find your way out of a weight loss plateau.
And the longer you stay in keto and follow these tips, your keto insomnia will disappear like the sheep you count before snooze time. #DreamComeTrue
Carbs may be delicious, but, depending on your health status and any conditions you may have, they may not be the most nourishing (or healthy) macronutrients for you to eat. However, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your favorite typically higher-carb foods — it just means you need a bit of creativity and a few tips and tricks for making modifications. That's especially true when it comes to a classic breakfast favorite: quiche.
Traditional quiche begins with a pie crust as its base, which isn't ideal if you're limiting carbs. But, by removing the crust — or using some delicious, low-carb substitutes — you can still enjoy the delicate egg and zesty ingredient combinations that make this dish so versatile. Start diversifying your low-carb breakfast menu (or even your evening meals) with these easy crustless quiche recipes.
Crustless Vegetable Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [EasyBuy4u/Getty Images]
Starting the day with an array of healthy vegetables — plus the protein from eggs — on your plate is never a bad idea. That's why this crustless vegetable quiche is such a nice option: You get great flavors and all the nutritional benefits of whatever veggies you add. Plus, it's vegetarian friendly. Even if you're not fully vegetarian, there are some great reasons to try this quiche; forgoing meat once in a while and upping your consumption of fresh produce can improve your cholesterol levels, for one.
This recipe from Food.com calls for broccoli, red pepper and zucchini, though you can swap them out for other vegetables if you prefer. Mushrooms, asparagus and tomatoes are tasty options as well. All are great sources of different vitamins, minerals and fiber. Add the cheese of your choice and some salt and pepper or other spices for an easy way to change up the flavor profile.
Crustless Quiche Lorraine
Photo Courtesy: [jaker5000/Getty Images]
Quiche Lorraine might be one of the most classic (and best-known) recipes for this dish — and it's just as delicious without the crust. If you're looking for a keto-friendly breakfast dish that helps you reach your daily protein goals, this crustless quiche Lorraine, also from Food.com, is a top option.
Generally, people who follow the ketogenic diet get about 75% of their daily calories from fat, 20-30% from protein and around 5% from carbs. This recipe gets its fat and protein from the eggs, bacon and Swiss cheese you'll use. If you want to add a vegetable for extra flavor and nutrients, try spinach; it's relatively low in carbs but packed with healthy vitamins A and K.
Bacon Cheeseburger Keto Breakfast Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [John Rizzo/Getty Images]
Looking for more crustless quiche options that work just as well for dinners as they do your morning meals? You'll want to try this bacon cheeseburger keto quiche from Kalyn's Kitchen. It satisfies keto fat and protein requirements thanks to its ground beef, bacon, eggs and the cheese of your choice (we recommend sharp cheddar). For a little bit of low-carb veggie crunch, add a handful of green onions and pickles into the mix too — yes, pickles in crustless quiche. They really do elevate this dish with their crunch and zesty tang.
Spicy Southwest Crustless Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [yipengge/Getty Images]
For those on the keto diet who also like a little kick to their meals, this spicy Southwest crustless quiche from the folks at Wisconsin Cheese will definitely satisfy any flavor cravings. It's packed full of fat and protein thanks to its eggs, heavy whipping cream, milk and pork sausage. Add some jalapenos, green peppers and pepper jack cheese to crank up the spice level.
As with most of the quiche dishes in this list, you'll cook this in a greased pie dish at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the edges are golden brown and the center of the quiche no longer looks runny or jiggly. It may take about 45 minutes to achieve the right cooked consistency, and you can also tell the quiche is done — as with many baked treats — when a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the quiche stand for about 10 minutes to fully firm up before slicing into it.
Vegan Crustless Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [Cavan Images/Getty Images]
This one is a bit of a surprise — a unique and flavorful surprise. You already know quiche is an egg dish, and eggs aren't vegan. So you might also be wondering how a vegan version could exist. In showcasing some true culinary creativity, this vegan crustless quiche from The Spruce Eats utilizes tofu, dairy-free crumbled cheese, soy or almond milk, nutritional yeast, ground cashews and dairy-free cream cheese.
The result is a smooth, authentic crustless quiche that's perfect for people who eat a plant-based diet or those who are allergic to eggs. In addition to its healthful egg-free base, it's got asparagus, garlic and turmeric to spice things up just right. You can always add or substitute your preference for other veggies as well; consider using what's in season to enjoy them at their peak of freshness.
Kale and Feta Crustless Quiche
Photo Courtesy: [Kale and Feta Crustless Quiche/Eating Bird Food]
Eating Bird Food's kale and feta crustless quiche recipe is an easy yet flavorful low-carb meal that makes for not only a delicious breakfast but also an ideal main course for lunch or dinner. Simply pair a slice with a cup of soup or a salad to create a well-rounded meal. As an added bonus, this recipe is a little different from other basic crustless quiches, which can keep your taste buds on their toes while giving you a nutrient boost at the same time.
Aside from the kale, feta and eggs — its star ingredients — this recipe uses coconut oil, almond milk, mushrooms, garlic, nutmeg and parsley. And here's an interesting tidbit of information about kale: It's a superfood that's chock-full of vitamins and minerals — but that's also low in calories and carbs.